Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Saturday Night

Here I sit on Saturday night at my computer blogging. Why, you ask? Aren't your kids home from Kansas? Aren't you babysitting the Hunter-Man while they get a rare night out by themselves? And the short answer is "no". It seems I have to share him with the other grandparents occasionally. And I'd like to say that I'm selfless & all that, and don't mind sharing - but I DO! Ha! Just kidding...a little. The kids ARE here. And they've been here since about 8pm Thursday night. They got here right before David had to leave for work. And I got to play with the baby all night Thursday night. And then, yesterday, I got up, fixed David breakfast, put him to bed and went to work. Until 11. Then I came home & played with my precious grand baby some more! Last night, David went to work, and Eddy took Elvis out to the Electric Cowboy for some fun! Desiree', me & Hunter went to Wal Mart & I bought him a new outfit, some toys for his car seat...and a walker! We brought it home, put it together, put him in it, and his feel like about 8 inches from even touching the floor! It is hilarious! I'm not trying to get him to grow up too fast, it's just that his little legs go all the time, and I thought he might be able to maneuver himself around a bit in the walker. But what has happened, is that we have to PUSH him around to get him to go anywhere! It's adorable. And it won't be any time at all before he's running all over the house, I'm sure! Anyway, it rained ALL DAY today. David got home & I fixed him breakfast, and he played with Hunter for about an hour. Then he had to go to sleep, so me & Hunter spent some alone time together. We talked & laughed & watched TV. I had him all to myself until about noon. Then the kids took him away from me! Actually, they met Kim in Lowell & Hunter is spending the night with his Memaw! And the kids? Well, Eddy & Des & Elvis & BRITTNI are all on their way to the Electric Cowboy again! David is at work. It's just me & the dogs here tonight. I really don't know what to do with myself. I guess I'll fix something to eat & watch TV. I'd like to think I'll wait up for the kids, but we all know I'm an old woman, and my bedtime will be here soon. me

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