Thursday, July 29, 2010

So many things to say

For once I actually have SO much to say...but not enough time to say it. I'm still at work & it's almost time for me to get out of I was sitting at my computer & thought..I'm gonna make a list on my blog...of things I want to blog about - when/if I ever have the time. It'll be a list of random things I want to mention...or things I may end up writing a book about. Who knows? But here goes...
1. I had 7 sales this week! Count them S.E.V.E.N.! That is wonderful & God is SO good.
2. Desiree' is having "lap band" surgery next week. On the 4th! Pray for her please
3. David, Eddy, Hunter & I went & had lunch at Brittni's Subway Tuesday. It didn't go as I'd hoped it would. More on that later
4. Toyota is putting a new motor in the kids car...for the grand total of $50. Yes, I said fifty. It's some kind of deductible they have to pay. Again, God is so good.
5. I will have the house to myself tonight once David leaves for work. So much to do, so little energy. (Maybe I'll blog) HA!
6. Facebook has proven itself to be a GOOD thing (I always wondered about that). Will talk more later about it too.
Well, that's not even close to all that's on my mind lately, but hey, it's a start. Gotta run, the grocery store awaits! Til next

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