Monday, July 12, 2010

What's Going on at my house....

So here is what's been going on in "The Allen's World"...Friday, the kids car blew up. Yes...I said "blew up", and yes, it's the new car we helped them get right after they got married. It's 5000 miles out of the extended warranty we purchased. And..the Toyota dealership said the lifetime warranty on the drive train is void if they didn't get it serviced there every time. Never mind Eddy was on active duty in another state. It's an issue that we're dealing with and I'm afraid David is going to have to get involved.
And, Hunter is sick. He has a horrible cough that just breaks my heart every time I hear it. And he looks up at me with those big blue eyes, like "Grandma, can't you fix this?". They have a doctors appointment scheduled for this afternoon.
We all went & saw my mom Saturday night. It was awesome to watch her play with Hunter. And my sister was on her best behavior, we actually all talked & got along. They've even invited us to come to the lake & visit them while they're on vacation for the next two weeks. I'll have to make a point to drive out & see them.
And last but not least....still NO RING! Although I am NOT going to be the one searching for it. Bam is doing just fine, so now I'm wondering...did he even swallow it? Or did he just pick it up & hide it somewhere at the house? We may never know, but at least there wasn't a $2000 surgery required.
And that's about all I've got for now...there is of course, a lot more I could write about, but once again I am blogging at work, which is a big no - no...and I've got work to until

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