Friday, September 11, 2009

The AMAZING Race!!!

So...David may kill me for posting this video, but I just can't help myself sometimes-ya'll know that! When Eddy came home for Labor Day, he started talking to his Dad about how he has to run 4 miles every day. Somewhere, in the conversation, David bet Eddy he could still outrun him. Not long distance or anything like that (thank God), but in a 40 yard race. And they talked about it & ribbed each other about it The. Whole. Day. (and all night). Now let me just tell you, I had issues with the whole thing. Issue #1: David has back problems...real serious back problems, so naturally, I was worried that he might hurt himself somehow. Issue #2: Even more serious than injury to himself-injury to his pride! It's one thing for him to think-KNOW- in his mind he is still super fast & can outrun his 21 year old son that's been doing PT (Physical Training) EVERY DAY since April. It's another thing completely for him to find out he can't! All things considered, David impressed ME at least! I bet he hasn't ran that fast in 20 years-maybe more. And...if I been paying more attention to David & Eddy & what they were actually doing, and hadn't been trying so hard to film the crowd & everything, I'd have got the WHOLE thing on video, instead of the last little bit. If I HAD got the whole thing on video, you'd have seen that David wasn't doing to bad in the very beginning....(but don't tell Eddy that, cuz he won't believe you anyway!) So...without further ado...enjoy my amateur video! me

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