Saturday, February 6, 2010

This week's update

Once again, not much to blog about. But since I created this blog to document & keep up with our lives, I guess I should blog that there's not been much to "document & keep up with". This week, for me, was all about going to work, coming home, eating, going to bed, going to get the picture. For David, it was all about looking for a job. Earlier this week he got a call from a guy that was looking for someone to drive over the road. Although that is not what he wants to do, money is money, and this was pretty good pay. BUT - alas, it did not work out so it's back to the drawing board. Nobody is hiring right now, and it's about to get him down. But I know that God has a plan for him/us, and when the right job is open, He will point David in that direction.
Also on the agenda, is a 2 week visit from Eddy, Dez & Hunter. Eddy will be getting his last "leave" on the 12th of Feb. This is probably the last time he'll be able to come home before he gets deployed. So needless to say, we're really looking forward to it. He goes in for his sleep study tonight, maybe they'll find that he can't sleep - or something that will prevent his deployment. Hey, a mama can only hope! Brittni's doing good. She comes over every Tuesday night & watches American Idol with us. I just enjoy getting to curl up on the love seat with her & talk & watch TV for a couple hours. She's still trying to get JBU paid off so she can get back in school & finish her degree in Education. She only has two years left! I just wish David & I were able to help more. Maybe when they draw the numbers on that 115 MILLION for the power ball today, our numbers will be the lucky ones! Wouldn't that change everything? me

1 comment:

  1. I hope that either you guys win the $115 million OR John and I win! I promise to give you at least a million if I win - will you save a million for me?
    Hey - we can dream!
