Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chaos, Utter chaos!

I'm always complaining (or at least feeling like I am) that there's not much going on in our lives lately. That it's kinda boring, with not much to do. Well let me tell you, this past week THAT HAS CHANGED! There is SO much activity at our house right now with Eddy, Dez & Hunter being home, and of course with the addition of Bam (my new lab puppy) that the word that keeps running through my head & out of my mouth is "CHAOS"! And can I tell you a secret? I LOVE IT! It's a little harder on David than me. He's SO funny! We've built such a concrete routine at our house since it's been just the two of us. The other night we were in our bedroom and he said...can you fix something for me? I about cracked up when he told me what it was. He said, can you talk to the kids about having just ONE thing at a time in the living room, I'm getting claustrophobic! We've all been running around like crazy, and at that point we had the baby swing, car seat, stroller, a HUGE tub of toys still out from when Thomas & Gracie came on Sunday, it was like an obstacle course in there! Not to mention all the shoes, coats, bottles, diaper bag, etc. that's lying around everywhere! To me, it feels natural, normal. That's what happens when there's kids, a baby, 2 dogs & a puppy at home. To me it feels GOOD! David - well, he loves having his son & family home, but I think it's a little overwhelming to him since he's at home all day.
Last night was our American Idol night. Brittni & Jeramiah came over to watch it with us. Brittni asked me yesterday when we ran errands on my lunch hour if I'd fix dinner for everyone. Ask me that at 11 a.m. & I'm all like, "Yes! Of course I will! What would you like?" Thank God, she really didn't have anything specific in mind, and Thank God that to her, spending time with her family is most important. Because at 5:00 when I got home, I didn't really have the energy or desire to go whip up some home made goodness like fried chicken etc. So instead, I remembered that at Pizza Hut on Tuesday nights, and Tuesday nights only, you can get the Tuscani Pasta family dinner for just $10. I was thinking 2 of those should work just fine! So, I asked around, no one seemed to mind, and Pizza Hut it was!
I can't really tell you a whole lot about the 2 hour American Idol, because I was holding my precious Hunter-he was really cranky last night - I don't think he felt very good - and chasing my new puppy ALL OVER THE HOUSE - and well, who cares about American Idol when your house if full of the people you love the very most in this world?
Anyhoo...we've got BIG plans for this weekend. All of us, let me repeat, ALL OF US, are heading down to Stuttgart for the weekend to visit Big David. The last time we were all there was for Uncle Bob's funeral, and the kids were just there for a few hours. Big David hasn't met his GREAT GRANDSON yet, so that's going to be a big deal. We'll have 4 generations under one roof for a couple days. And there's no internet, cell phones,'ll just be quality time together! I can't wait! me

1 comment:

  1. Geez, I'm tired just reading about it!
    However, I know you are loving life right now!
    Be sure to take lots of pictures to share.
    Love you girlfriend,
