Thursday, September 2, 2010

It is ALL done!

Finally, finally finally! It is ALL done! My house is spotless! Everything! ALL my laundry is done - unless you count the clothes I just threw in the hamper after my jacuzzi bath! And I feel so settled. So on top of it. So in CONTROL of my home! HA! But, it was a loooong battle.
See, the kids came & got the rest of their things today. Of course I'm finding little things here & there & making a pile in the 2nd guest room. Did you hear that? I said SECOND GUEST ROOM! The first thing I did when David left for work was head for the kids old bedroom & started cleaning. Dusting, changing the sheets, vacuuming. Putting stuff back where it was. There's a few reminders that they were here, like the baby swing & some of Eddy's Army clothes & boots in the closet. But I knew if I didn't just bite the bullet & get it over with, I'd find myself in & out of their room, missing them. I figure the best way to handle it is to turn it back into our other guest room & make it like it was before they moved in (and out) - again! So that's that.

We are planning a trip to Stuttgart for Labor Day. Actually, it's not much of a trip. I'm going to take David to work Saturday evening, them come back home & pack everything up, then I'm going to get up at 6 a.m., load the dogs in the kennel & pick David up from work. He's going to sleep while I drive us down there. He gets off at seven, so that should put us there around noon. We'll have the rest of Sunday, then most of Monday. We'll leave Monday night & head back, and David will drive while I sleep because I have to be back at work on Tuesday. I asked Terri today if I could take the day off because we were going to David's dads. This is one of the only times she's ever told me no. At least I know why. See I've had a bad two weeks at work - zero sales last week & only one this week. That puts just one on my paycheck next Friday-so sad. Plus we've just started a new contest. A CASH contest. So I need to get on the ball! I was out all day Monday too. My sister called me around 6:30 that morning & said she was taking my mom to the emergency room. Her heart rate was 3 times what it should be. They put her on some I.V. meds & got it back down, then they got it too slow. So we spent the entire day in Trauma Room 10 at Washington Regional. They finally let her go home that afternoon late, and she has to follow up with a cardiologist. This is something she's had since she was in her early twenties, my sister has it too evidently, but Mom hasn't had an episode in eight or nine years. The bad news is the doctor said at her age, once it starts messing up again, it usually just continues to do so. So they mentioned medicine to keep it from beating too fast, and possibly a pacemaker to keep the medicine from dropping it too low. She did not like the sound of that, but if it comes down to it, my sister & I will convince her she needs to have it done. Just keep her in your prayers please.
Anyhoo....that's it for tonight. Since everything is done I am off to bed! me

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