Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm beginning to see a pattern here.....

So here it is Friday again and I haven't posted anything all week! So it's a Friday re-cap again. I have excuses, let me tell you! For starters, I went down & saw my Grandma & Aunt Bev last Saturday night. Bev had called me Friday afternoon & said Grandma thought she could eat some Mazzio's pizza & a salad, so Saturday when David left for work I headed to Mazzio's & got him & grandma a pizza & went to Fayetteville. She didn't know I was coming, & Bev had already fed her since it WAS after 8 when I got there. But she was SO glad to see me & I am SO glad I made the time & went for a visit.

Eddy, Des & Hunter came up Monday night & the boys cooked the duck they killed this past season. Hunter man is as cute as ever but that baby doesn't call me anything. All he says is Pa pa, pa pa, pa pa! I told David I was starting to get a little jealous. I know he associates me with David because Britt & Des brought him up to my work last Friday & as soon as he saw me he started looking around saying pa pa? pa pa? Too cute! Anyway the kids stayed for dinner & when they left David said...that was really enjoyable, wasn't it? It was so nice.

My yard sale is ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! And I am ready you ask? Of course not! I have about 10 things laid out on the bed in the guest room that needs to be priced. If I don't get it in gear, all I'm going to have is what I picked up from my mom's. And that won't be good. I have full intentions of doing some spring cleaning & getting rid of a bunch of stuff I don't use. All the money I make will be put towards Brittni's wedding, so the more stuff I have, the more money I'll be able to put on her dress.

Speaking of Brittni, she talked me in to going on that diet with her. I am proud to say that as of this morning I have lost 39 lbs! I am one pound away from losing 40 pounds! I would love to be able to tell you how easy it is, but that's just not true, although I have only had about 3 days where I really really wanted to cheat & felt like I was starving.
If you want to keep up with Brittni & HER amazing weight loss, you can visit her blog at It's just something she created to keep up with her days & weight loss on the HCG diet. I am SO proud of her. She has lost a LOT of weight, and she is keeping it off. She has kinda stalled out right now, but after sixty pounds or so, I would think that's to be expected.

We don't have big plans for Easter this year. Eddy & his little family are going to Des's grandma's or something. Poor Brittni has to work from 7am - 7pm. And of course David will just be getting home from a 12 hour shift. I am kinda sad because I remember all the Easter's in the past, and the traditions that go with them, like going to church, Easter lunch, coloring & hunting Easter eggs. But, if David can get a little sleep, we may go down to his mom's & have Easter dinner with her & Ben. We'll just have to wait & see. Also, I still haven't made Hunter his Easter Basket! But since I won't be able to see him til next week, I have a plan. If I wait to buy stuff for it until Monday, ALL the Easter candy will be on sale & I can get TWICE AS MUCH! HA!

Anyway, it's about time for David to get home, and about time for me to head out to work. So...til next

p.s. Happy Easter ya'll! Remember, Christ is Risen & He is our King!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you - 40 lbs - that is awesome! I have considered HGC - want to talk to you about it. Happy Easter my friend!
