Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Obviously I have been SO busy I haven't been blogging lately. So I haven't documented how VERY excited David & I are that 24 hours from now...we will be in BEAUTIFUL MEXICO!
Lunch today was spent at "The Shoe Dept" for our last minute decision that we both probably needed to wear tennis shoes for all the walking/running that will happen tomorrow between the airport & resort etc. With that done, all that is left is tiny last minute things that can't be done until after we both get ready at 3:30 a.m. tomorrow! Brittni & Jeramiah are coming tonight & will be house/dog sitting for us while we are away. THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!! We couldn't go without you being here to take care of everything. Anyway, I have GOT to try get some work the next time you'll be hearing from me will be AFTER we get back! me

1 comment:

  1. Oh, may you and David have an awesomely wonderful vacay and remember to just sit and stare some,k? :-) I can hardly wait to hear all about your fun and see pictures!!! Well, at least a couple! :-) I will be praying that you have a safe journey to and from Mexico.
