Thursday, August 19, 2010

College, Pictures, Jobs...

Have I told ya'll yet that Brittni Dianne starts school at the U of A on Monday? Well, she does! Isn't God amazing? We somehow pulled it ALL together, the FASFA, her shot records, picking out her classes, even her work schedule. (And the "we" at the beginning of the sentence, should read "God" instead!) All we like is finding her a little car to drive back & forth to Fayetteville, but David is working on that, and until then, he's said she can drive the Blazer! So we are good to go.

The kids brought Hunter up to work this morning to visit. No one can believe how big he's gotten! Or the fact that he can crawl all over everywhere! They are going to pick up his pictures today! I am SO excited! I'm sure I'll have to share. Also, Desiree had an interview at a day care center in Johnson today. She'll be able to work at the center & Hunter will be in a class too. And...Eddy is at the V.A. right now. He needs to get the operation on his knee done before his insurance with the Army runs out. So, I'm waiting on hearing back from them about that.

Work is crazy. I mean C.R.A.Z.Y. They moved me to a different desk & it is killing me! It is SO loud. It doesn't help that I am the first desk anyone walks by when they come into my department, so of course everyone thinks they have to stop & visit. Also, I am surrounded by the loudest salespeople in the department! So, I had a mini conversation with Terri this morning & told her that if I don't pull out of this slump I'm in, I will HAVE to move. Being the top salesperson is a hard job - & if I can't do my job because I am distracted not only will I not be the top salesperson anymore....but I won't make any money. And that is NO GOOD.

I'll keep ya

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like wonderful news all around! Except maybe the loud desk situation. But I am such an extrovert, I find it hard to imagine not being thrilled to have everyone stop to chat...
