Well I didn't go down to Stuttgart this weekend. I wanted to, really I did. But it is SO expensive, and it makes for a very tired Tammy come Monday morning. So David & I decided I would stay home this weekend. Friday night I told David not to call & wake me up when he got up (cuz he always gets up early, like 4:30 or 5:00), and that I was going to sleep in, but I woke up at 5 on my own, then tried to go back to sleep & woke up at 5:30...by six I said forget it - and just decided to get up. What ever happened to me being able to sleep til noon like I used to??? I must be getting old! I hit a few garage sales. There wasn't many, and none of them had anything really exciting. I did buy Hunter a whole bucket of ABC magnets for my fridge. He LOVES to play with the magnets on my fridge, and I only had a few that weren't breakable..so now he is set! I also bought a whole bunch of sheets (for 50 cents!) that I brought home & washed & put up. I will need them when Boogie has her puppies & I am NOT using my good ones no matter what! Anyway, I came home, did the laundry, hung up some pictures, cleaned the house, and even tried to take a nap! When that didn't work I decided to take a couple bags of clothes I had over to Helping Hands. I ended up at PetCo in Rogers & finally bought a Furminator! What's a "furminator" you ask? Well it is this amazing dog brush. Rose showed it to me when we were at her & Jimbo's house & when she used it on Tank, I couldn't believe how much hair it got! I told David I just had to get one, it would change my life! I battle dog hair at home on a daily basis. The dogs love it, they fight over who I'm going to brush....so I think it will be well worth the $70 I paid. We'll see how consistent I end up being with it & if it really does "Change my life!" ha! Anyway, I spent the rest of the day piddling around the house & watching TV & being bored to death! I really really miss David & can't wait until he comes home. I just don't know what to do with myself when he's not around. Hopefully he will be able to come home next weekend. I told him last night if for some reason he can't, I am going to come down. We will have a long weekend since we're both off Monday for Labor Day, but hopefully we'll spend that long weekend - at HOME! As much as I miss him, I just want to say right here & now, how PROUD I am of him. He really stepped up to the plate with his dad, and I know it can't be easy. Big David is a stubborn & head strong man, and isn't used to being down like he has been with this surgery. When I see them together it's almost like their roles have reversed, and it's kinda sad. But the love, patience, determination & empathy I've seen in my husband through all of this is amazing. And I am just so proud of the man he has become.
Eddy, Dez & Hunter are on their way up here this morning to work on the duck boat. I think Marshall is going to meet them here to help. David is not going to believe how great it looks & how much they've got done.
I don't know if I've mentioned it on here yet, but we are in another contest at work. A CANCUN contest! For one of the first times, I am not ahead. But in all honesty, I am not in competition with anyone but myself. I have to get 30 Walmart Lot Event contracts in by October 6th. I'm at 7 right now, and got 3 more in after I left on Friday. It is definatly "do-able"...but it's hard work, and I can't "slack off" for a minute if I want to pull it off.
Well, the kids just called & they are leaving their house, so I better go change my clothes & get ready for Hunter-man....so til next time....me