This week I've seemed to be in a continuous state of...."BLAH". I hadn't noticed until this morning on my way to work. How many days of doing the same thing over & over does it take to form a habit? Not sure. But the one thing I AM sure of is that I don't want this feeling to become a habit. Some reasons/excuses for my mood....we were in Stuttgart all weekend. David & I both took off at noon & left as soon as we could throw some clothes in a bag & load up Boogie & her kennel. Stayed up
waaay too late Friday & Saturday night (we tend to all sit around Big David's kitchen table talking & telling the same stories we tell every time we visit, until one of us finally, FINALLY says....I'm about ready for bed). Got up
waaay to early - wait - in my opinion, anything before 8 am is
waaay to early. But, when we're down there we're
always up by 5:30 (and that's if we stayed up past
midnight the night before). Got home Sunday afternoon - late-
waaay late. Until this trip, we'd kinda formed a habit of getting up on Sunday mornings around 4 0r 5, I fix a big breakfast with biscuits & gravy & all that good stuff. We eat, I clean up the kitchen, pack, we say our goodbyes (& apologize for leaving so early), and we are out of there by 10-10:30 at the latest. That puts us home before 3. That give me time to get things done, laundry, grocery shopping if necessary, and rest for
both of us before our work week starts. This time however, it didn't work out that way. It was more like early evening when we got back. Our version of unpacking was dragging everything out of the truck, bringing it in the house, & dropping it wherever it fell. Have I mentioned that it's all STILL right where it fell? I don't know what's been wrong with me. At work, I'm just "Blah"...when I get home, it's all I can do to throw some supper together & unload/load the dishwasher. Laundry? Well, I
did wash a load last night so David would have some clean socks. (Load's still in the dryer, I had to fish socks out of it at 5 a.m. this morning). I have SO much I need to do. Normally that in itself is the motivation I need to "get it together". I've always been a kind of last minute person anyway for the most part. I'm also one of those people that have to give myself little "pep" talks every now & then.
A lot of pep talks actually. So all that being said - and YES, I know I'm rambling here - it's time for one of my pep talks. Yesterday was it. Yesterday was the last day for the blahs to be allowed in my life/mood. Today-I AM ON IT! I've got today & tomorrow til the cut-off to my next paycheck (I'm in sales-remember). My SON comes home Saturday - plane lands at noon. I've got a party to plan/finish putting together. My husband/family/house/work needs my UNDIVIDED attention. My "blah" mood is over. I don't have time for it anymore. It's done, finished, GONE! oh, did I mention it's raining????? :-) me